Bhutan at a Glance

Total Area: 38,394 square kilometers (about 300km long and 150km wide)
Location: Landlocked between China (Tibet) and India
Altitude: 100m above sea level in the South to over 7,500 m. above sea level in the North.
Population: 672,425 (2007) : 364,482 male and 307,943 female.
Language: Dzongkha is the language of Bhutan
Political System: Democratic Constitutional Monarchy
State Religion: Drukpa Kargyu
Capital: Thimphu
Time: 6 hours ahead of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT+6)
Local Time: 6 hrs ahead of GMT and half an hour ahead of Indian Standard Time
Longitude: 26 45’ - 28 15’ North
Terrain: It can be divided into three major geographic regions from North to South; the high Himalayas of North, the hills and valleys of the central and the foothills and plains of the South.
Country code: 975